Our Teach for Romania alumni community is made up of 176 people from all walks of life, with different professional backgrounds and skills, whose joint effort contributes to changing the educational system, regardless of whether they have chosen to continue working in schools, to become teacher trainers for public school teachers, to improve policymaking, to develop community-based social initiatives, or to use the power of media to get people involved in education

Bogdan Marius-Ciprian

During the fellowship: Romanian Teacher

Current role: Romanian Teacher and NEST trainer

Dumitru Cosmina

During the fellowship: French Teacher

Current role: On maternity leave 

Andronache Ana-Maria

During the fellowship: English teacher

Current role: English teacher

Dranga Cosmina-Mariana

During the fellowship: Biology Teacher

Current role: Kindergarten Teacher

Munteanu (Dumitrache) Ivona-Elena

During the fellowship: Romanian teacher

Current role: Romanian Teacher, EduConect President, Reading workshops trainer at FanBook, United Way Trainer, teacher for Romanian Gifted School

Ovedenie (Hristea) Alexandra Ionela

During the fellowship: Primary school teacher, geography teacher 

Current role: Maternity Leave/Primary school teacher

Cojocea Constantin

During the fellowship: Biology teacher 

Current role: Director în Jilava și Prof Berceni, Jilava, Berceni

Eftimie Aura Isabel

During the fellowship: Invatator, Cocorăștii Mislii, PH

Current role: School Principal

Firăstrăeru Andreea

During the fellowship: Primary school teacher

Current role: Primary school teacher

Grigoroiu Florina

During the fellowship: Primary school teacher

Current role: Primary school teacher

Hobincă (căs. Tudorachi) Laura

Iosif (Alexandru) Mariana

During the fellowship: Primary school teacher

Current role: School counsellor

Morar Ioana

During the fellowship: Primary school teacher

Current role: Primary school teacher, training facilitator, literacy mentor

Pisică Cristina-Irina

During the fellowship: Geography teacher

Current role: Geography teacher

Purcaru Mihaela

During the fellowship: Primary school teacher

Current role: Primary school teacher

Istrate Florentina

During the fellowship: Geography Teacher

Current role: Geography teacher (+Technology)

Călugăru Naomi

During the fellowship: Social studies Teacher

Current role: Social Studies Teacher

Hultoană (Lupu) Elena

Șalgău Geta-Cristiana

Trifu (Andrei) Ilona

Panton Edvina-Ghionul

Badea Elena Gabriela

Codrea Cosmin Iulian

Jiga Stanca Valentina

Simin-Tituleac Florentina

Strîmbeanu Elena-Raluca

Mitică (Filip) Aurelia

Jalbă Elena Alexandra

Sîrbu Gabriel Leonard

Stîngă Iulia Lavinia