We prioritise
social-emotional skills

What do we mean by social-emotional skills?

Why is this important?

Socio-emotional skills are part of the foundation of any learning process. In addition to knowing how to read and count, every student needs to know how to manage their emotions in different contexts, work and collaborate effectively within a team, be confident that they can finalize a task, be autonomous and have the ability to empathize.

How do we develop these skills in students?

Regardless of the subject they teach, Teach for Romania fellows invest in their students’ harmonious growth. Learning is hard to achieve if students don’t feel safe, heard, important, therefore the act of teaching begins with the well-being and safety of each student.

Student survey

Every year, we ask for student feedback to see how they feel at school, how they feel about their relationship with their teacher and the classes they are attending. Teachers learn from their students’ responses and adapt the way they work in the classroom.

Thus, we found out that:


of primary

school students

say that they like going to school and that lessons are interesting.


of primary

school students

say that their teacher helps them when struggling until they succeed




 say their teacher shows them they really care about them


of secondary

school students

say that teachers make classes interesting


of secondary

school students

say that their teacher encourages them to keep trying when school work gets too difficult




say that their teacher is a good listener

The EduStart platform

Edustart is the platform that gathers solid, tested solutions to help develop social-emotional skills, designed for all students, teachers, school principals and institutions involved in public or private education in Romania.

The platform helps teachers assess their group level and adapt their activities so that all children can develop the social-emotional skills needed to succeed. 

Methods and tools

A successful school experience is not just about cognitive growth, but also, equally important, about children’s social and emotional learning. Reaching this important mix is the main way to support the harmonious development of children and to prepare them for the complexities of life. 

Here are the tools our teachers use in the classroom!

despre educație

Pe lângă a preda, profesorii construiesc caractere. Ce instrumente folosim pentru a îi pregăti pe elevi pentru viață?

Pentru a-i face pe copii să vină cu drag la școală, profesorii noștri știu că primul pas este să construiască o relație de încredere cu ei. Nu poți ajunge la mintea unui copil, dacă nu ajungi mai întâi …

Training on building a culture of achievement


Teacher Leadership

Bine ai venit în cursul Teacher Leadership, curs dedicat ție, profesorul de azi.

Cum ducem învățare în sala de clasă? Instrumente folosite de către profesorii noștri

Pentru a-i face pe copii să vină cu drag la școală, profesorii noștri știu că primul pas este să construiască un spațiu de siguranță în clasa lor și o relație de încredere cu aceștia. În articolul ce urmează, aducem în prim plan instrumente din cultura reușitei pe care profesorii Teach le folosesc în clasele lor.