We seek to identify people who understand the importance of education and who care so deeply about the future of children in vulnerable communities that they choose to dedicate at least 2 years of their lives to become the teachers they deserve. The future teacher leaders should inspire their students and model success through hard-work, they should aid not only academic, but also social-emotional recovery and they should expose children to positive role models so that they themselves become the global citizens our world desperately needs.
The people that we are looking for have a strong leadership profile, they are capable of facilitating transformational learning and generating sustainable change in the classroom, within the school and in the community and, last but not least, they are talented people who think and act eco-systemically, in terms of sustainability and impact, aware that it takes a whole village to raise a child and an entire country to solve systemic problems with such devastating impact as those in education.

If you would like to apply for our fellowship, you should meet the following criteria:
You understand that the Teach for Romania fellowship represents a 2-year commitment of teaching in early years, primary or secondary public schools, highly-disadvantaged schools in vulnerable communities and that you may teach offline, online or hybrid formats;
you understand that the fellowship is not a volunteering program, but a full-time contracted job;
you have a bachelor’s degree / will obtain it no later than July 2023 or have completed a pedagogical high school;
you live in one of the communities we serve or are available for relocation or commuting that may exceed 90 minutes each way, in order to teach in a school that meets the Teach for Romania criteria;
you are available for 6 consecutive weeks to attend the Summer Leadership Academy, the initial training offered to participants in the fellowship, from July to August 2023;
you understand that for the next 2 years your income will consist of your teacher salary and the financial support provided by our organization;
you have a native level of the Romanian language (communication and writing) and a B1 level in English (or you commit to reach this level by July 2023, if accepted in the program);
you are medically fit for enrolment in the education system and can provide proof of this later by means of a medical certificate;
you have no history of any kind of violation of children’s rights and freedoms, you have not abused (physically, emotionally, psychologically, sexually or economically, cf. Law 272/2004, Section 3, Art. 94) any child and you can provide a criminal record upon request.

Registration in our program is done exclusively online by filling in two forms. The registration of interest form is the first step in your application and takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Once you have completed the first form, you will automatically receive the second form, the application form, to the e-mail address you used to register. This is also the first step of our selection process. We recommend that you take at least 30 minutes to complete it, to offer detailed answers and to provide clear examples.
The next step in your Teach for Romania journey is the selection stage. For each candidate, the selection process consists of 3 consecutive stages.
After completing the selection process and becoming part of our fellowship, the next step in your journey is getting to know your new community. We will discover together what the 2-year fellowship will look like for you and how we can best support you every step of the way.
As an organization, we do not have specific school-placements, however we support you in the process of getting one.
We also offer assistance with understanding the Teaching Mobility Methodology and apply it according to the reality of each candidate, and we support you in identifying school placements that meet both the Teach for Romania criteria and your needs.
This is when you discover and understand pedagogical terms, you will get familiar with digital tools that you will use in the Leadership Academy and, later on, with your students in the classroom.
Seeing the complexity of our selection process and the direct link to our recruitment strategy, we have several application rounds over the course of a year. This year’s application deadline dates are 15 November 2021, 3 January 2022, 14 February 2022 or 4 April 2022.
1.Evaluating the application form;
2.A short online interview;
3.An assessment center with four different parts:
a. A lesson simulation
b. A case study
c. A group activity
d. An individual discussion with the examiners.
To begin with, the selection team evaluates the application forms and communicates the response to all applicants, regardless of what that may be, by e-mail.
If you receive a positive response at this stage, we invite you to an online interview of maximum 30 minutes. You will be able to choose the date and time from the options provided. Following the online interview, you will shortly find out whether you are selected for the final selection stage – the assessment center.
The final selection stage involves attending an online assessment center. This stage will be organized over 2 consecutive days during the week and you will be able to choose from several options of days that are convenient for you. We value your personal time; therefore, we do not organize assessment centers during the weekend or national holidays.
No cause for concern, you will receive an Assessment Centre schedule, description of activities and other information on how to prepare.
If our answer is positive, you are accepted into the fellowship. In case of a negative answer, you will be able to request personalized feedback from the selection team and apply in future years.
It is important to know that in the selection process we do not compare candidates, but evaluate them according to an internal selection model, built on competences and skills such as:
- understanding and alignment with our organization’s vision and values;
- leadership potential and ability to inspire others;
- perseverance, adaptability to change and willingness to work in environments with a high degree of uncertainty;
- openness to self-discovery and willingness to make changes on a personal level, plus curiosity and a desire for self-improvement;
- critical thinking, strategic planning and problem-solving skills;
- effective communication in a variety of situations, openness, empathy and a high degree of tolerance.
Please note that our recruitment and selection process may take up to 3 months, from the time you apply to the time you may be accepted in the program. Your commitment starts in July 2023 with your initial training in the Summer Leadership Academy and will continue with your work in the classroom starting in September 2023.
Until the start of the Summer Leadership Academy, we have prepared a series of interactions with your future fellow colleagues, current fellows, alumni and the Teach for Romania staff team.
1. Online sessions on various topics:
– Getting to know the organisation;
– the fellowship and how you will be instructed and supported during the Academy and the next two years;
– the integration process into the Romanian public school system and how you will be guided along the way;
– your roles and responsibilities as a public school teacher and as a Teach for Romania fellow
2. Online classroom visits, groups discussions and presentations in order to gain insights on the challenges of the communities we want to serve and support;
3. One-on-one meetings on various topics with dedicated individuals who will be by your side on this journey.
4. Events or activities, community gatherings, opportunities to contribute and show support to the organization or the communities where we are present in, to build and strengthen the generation you will be part of.
Teach for Romania does not have “reserved school-placements”. You will have to go through the regular process of getting a teaching job, but we will be by your side every step of the way.
We offer assistance with understanding the Teaching Mobility Methodology and apply it according to the reality of each candidate, and we support you in identifying school placements that meet both the Teach for Romania criteria and your needs.
Candidates supported by Teach for Romania register to take the main teaching exam, respectively the county/school level exam for unqualified teachers, like any other person who wants to become a teacher in the public education system. The school-placements we seek for our Teach for Romania candidates will be in the suburbs and rural areas, which correspond to the requirements of the program, according to the map below.
You discover the importance of a community in a student’s learning journey and we challenge you to think about how you can get to know the relevant stakeholders better and then create partnerships with them in shaping strategic change in your school. In other words, we encourage you to discover the ‘village’ with which you will ‘raise’ those children. This phase comprises several sessions:
1.Digital skills development – getting to know the tools used in the Summer Leadership Academy for teacher training and later in the classroom.
2.Preparation for the teaching exam
3.Community Immersion – an experience under the umbrella of collective leadership, where multiple community stakeholders – school, local authorities, families, organisations – work together to bring systemic and relevant change to children’s lives so they can reach their potential. We are talking about shifting paradigms and sustainable interventions, about deeply understanding the challenges and opportunities in a community, about empathy and curiosity.
- registration form
- application form
- selection stage
- integration into the organisation
- integration into the public school system
- pre-academy
You can be an early year educator, a primary or a secondary school teacher, regardless of your qualification, degree and educational psychology module, as these are not eliminating selection criteria. You will also teach in pre-school, primary or secondary education, depending on the needs of the schools in the communities we serve, as well as your preferences and willingness to integrate into the system.
Here’s what the map of the counties we’re targeting for the 2023-2024 school year looks like:
In the 2021-2022 school year, 118 fellows were teaching in 94 schools in 22 counties. We are also pleased that out of our 176 alumni, graduates of the program, half of them have chosen to remain in Romanian public schools, developing and innovating their organizational culture. Our entire community of teachers thus reaches over 20,000 children.